April 2023 Uganda Shoe Give Update

April 2023 Uganda Update

East Africa is always full of exciting moments! This month, we had the pleasure of giving out 120 pairs of shoes in Guda, a fishing village near Lake Victoria. With the help of seven talented Ugandan artisans, we played games, sang songs, washed feet, and gifted shoes to many happy children. The people of Guda welcomed us with open arms, and we were thrilled to make a positive impact in their community.

But we didn't stop there - for the rest of the month, we worked hard and built almost 400 pairs of shoes. And just recently, we sent 60 pairs of Ugandan-made shoes to Zimbabwe, our 17th nation to receive My360Project shoes! On May 6th, we'll be heading west of Kampala to give out around 200 pairs of shoes. Our artisans are working diligently to build up our inventory because there's no shortage of children who need shoes. We're sincerely grateful for those who support our work in both Uganda and Mexico. Thank you!

180+ Shoes Given


July 2023 Shoe Give Update


April 2023 Cornerstone Church Mexico Shoe Give